Holistic Health Assessments
Remote Testing
hCG Weight Loss Method
Herbs and Teas
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Castor Oil Pack
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Welcome to Back to Basics Health and Nutrition!

It seems everywhere you listen these days, the buzzwords are about natural ingredients, alternative medicine, organic and whole foods, cleansing, weight loss, supplements, vitamins, minerals. It's all so overwhelming and confusing!

My name is Juli Johnson. I began my journey back to health many years ago and my goal is to educate and guide you along the path of natural healing by sharing with you what I've learned. Our bodies want to be healthy and in balance. It's what our bodies do naturally if we'll let them. It's up to us to provide ourselves with the proper "ingredients" to achieve health and balance. Some of those include good food, supplementation, detoxification, homeopathy, stress reduction, spirituality and emotional healing. I hope you'll join me and thousands of others who have decided to reclaim their health using a natural, balanced approach.

List of Services
Zyto Biocommunication Testing
Zyto Evox Perception Reframing
Zyto Allergy Testing
Bach Flower Remedies
Massage Therapy
Nutrition Consulting

hA2cg Weight Loss Program
Ionic Foot Detox
Near Infrared Sauna
Castor Oil Pack Therapy
Hair Mineral Analysis
Practitioner Grade Supplements
Tea Room with Medicinal Herbs

We are pleased to announce our new Back to Basics Wellness Spa, which is a relaxing, welcoming spa house connected to our consulting offices. We offer the best quality herbal teas & healing herbs as well as several relaxing and body rebuilding & detoxifying services.

Please book your Near Infrared Sauna, Ionic Foot Detox, Castor Oil Pack Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Intuitive Bodywork, Food for Wellness and Body Balance Scan appointments at https://www.vagaro.com/backtobasicshealth.

Char is our Wellness Spa Manager and can be reached at 734-748-1049 if you have any questions.

Please call Juli at 248-921-0586 or email Juli for Testing and Consulting appointments. Juli also conducts remote testing and phone consultations payable through PayPal.

Copyright 2022 by Juli Johnson